The purpose of using counter for your webpage is to track your visotors and to get information about the trends. And based on the information, we can modify the page to suit user's requirement.
Assume if your webpage/blog is viewed in IE for 80% of the visit, then you should concentrate to development of that page so that it is more compatible to IE.
In other case, assume if most of your visitors are from France, you definitely would like to change/modify/update the language of your page to suit user from France.
I prefer to use Google Analytics to track my visitors.You need to register on Google Analytics and add your page. It will then provide you some lines of code, which you need to enter in your blog.
When someone visits your blog, that script will send required information to Google Analytics and it will be available to you in the format of various report.
It gives you number of visits, pageviews, page/visit, bounce rate, average time on site, new visits, time on site, Visitor Loyalty, Browsers, OS, Network Location, Hostnames, etc. informations.
Also, it give you information about Traffic Source:- Direct traffic, Reffering site, Search engine, keyword, etc.
Based on these reports, you could know that how many time, Google sends a visitor to your page.
Once you have all these informations, it will be helpful for you to increase traffic to your page.
Use it. I found it one of the most useful tool for a webmaser.
Happy Blogging.
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